The FENGSim project is an adaptive manufacturing operational system that incorporates various mathematical libraries, including computational geometry, computer algebra, numerical methods, numerical linear algebra, computer graphics, image processing, probability and statistics, optimization, and artificial intelligence, along with the CAX software framework and practical examples. At its core, the project features couplers designed for complex manufacturing applications. It also provides tools for managing library dependencies, package management, and CICD processes (compile, code merge, version control, testing, and deployment). Additionally, the project includes interfaces for integrating machinery and sensors, which encompass drivers, communication, and control applications. Furthermore, the FENGSim project has a large language model (LLM) assistant developed using open-source code and classical literature.

To install FENGSim on Ubuntu 22.04:

	sudo apt install git
	git clone https://github.com/OpenDigitalTwin-Dev/FENGSim.git
	cd FENGSim/cli
	./install.sh or ./uninstall.sh

To launch the Qt project for FENGSim:

	cd FENGSim/cli


Additive Manufacturing

Composite Materials


